Short Breaks: Saturday Clubs



Saturday Club 5-12yrs

The aim of the targeted Saturday club is to provide a regular activity for disabled children and young people aged 5-12 years to have fun with their friends. Children and young people in the group setting can access a range of experiences which develop their self-confidence and enjoy time outside of their family/home. This provision offers specialist care when required; staff have sufficient good knowledge and experience in working with disabled children, some of whom may have complex needs. The aim of the group is for children to have fun enjoying a range of play opportunities as well as more structured activities including trips to the cinema, firepit cooking, table badminton... The sessions run 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays


Parents/ carers will need to complete a Registration form initially and then submit a Booking Form for each term. Places are allocated on a termly basis to ensure that families have good notice.


Our Lead Worker 5-12yrs: Michelle

Contact Michelle during sessions on 07792 500148





Our Lead Worker 5-12yrs: Sophie

Contact Sophie during sessions on 07792 500148




Saturday Club 12+yrs

Started in October 2020, in response to demand from parents of older disabled children and that the Theatre Royal are unable to continue their group on a Sunday, BAPP now run a term time only Saturday club for disabled children age 12+. This is for any young person who meets the eligibility criteria (please see eligibility document below) and would enjoy and benefit from opportunity for social interaction with peers as well as giving you a short break. This runs mid-morning to mid-afternoon on Saturdays based at Odd Down Community Centre with frequent trips out. For further information and a booking form please contact The Saturday club leader, Petra Burgess.


Young people will be able to enjoy a range of play and activities based on their interests, including animation, creativity, dance and physical activity. As soon as we are allowed, valuable life skills related to cooking and food preparation will be added.



Our Lead Worker 12+ group: Petra Burgess

Contact Petra on 07814 780850





B&NES Rainbow resource: Register here


Hopefully you will already be aware of Bath and North East Somerset’s Rainbow Resource scheme, a voluntary registration of a young person with meeting eligible criteria (details can be found here).

Once registered the child/young person receives a free wallet sized card verifying their additional need and thus enables them to discreetly access any concession or additional support they may need whilst out and about. for a list of which venues offer a discount or concession please see the live well website. Their intention is to ensure no-one has to justify their position or enter into confidential discussions with strangers, and it should be accepted on face value that they can access additional support. 



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All BAPP services contribute to the B&NES Children & Young people's Plan ©Bath Area Play Project 2014. Registered charity number 1013897