Bath Area Play Project is a voluntary organisation which is run by a group of people who all give their time to voluntarily managing and overseeing the Project. This group of people is called a Trustee Board and they currently meet every 6 weeks usually in the evening at the Odd Down Community Centre.
The Trustee Board is made up of people who have an interest in children, play or child development and are committed to controlling the direction and quality of the work of the project. Current members include teachers, a Social Worker, business owners, accountancy lecturer and those working in business and other voluntary organisations..
Because Bath Area Play Project is a registered charity, our Trustees are responsible for the financial management as well as service delivery and they must ensure that we work within the limitations of our governing document – our Constitution.
The Charity Commission approved our registration in 1992. Annually we hold an Annual General Meeting where trustees are elected, an Annual Review is produced and Accounts audited and brought to the AGM for approval. At the Annual General Meeting, our Annual Review is revealed as well as accounts for the year, showing openly what services are provided as well as how money is spent and managed.
Also annually, staff and trustees hold a Review and Development Day where action plans and Business Plans are reviewed and discussed as well as future developments for the organisation.
Trustees are the equivalent of a Director of a Company but receiving no financial reward for the work done. There are four named positions; Chair, Vice- Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Other trustees are Ordinary members with the same influence and vote entitlement as named positions. Travel and childcare expenses can be claimed.
Named positions usually involve some work outside of the Trustee Board meetings, depending on the nature of the position. All are essential to the success of Bath Area Play Project and without them, we would not exist. Where we recruit staff, we also need Trustee involvement in the recruitment process which is held outside of scheduled meeting times.
Trustees are encouraged to attend relevant training including Safeguarding in recruitment as well as opportunities to attend the Trustee Network meetings.
Meetings are fairly informal and are recorded with written notes circulated to all members. Decisions are recorded and staff directed to work in specific ways.
New members are elected at the Annual General Meeting every three years and where there is more than one person standing for the same position, those present are requested to vote for one person only.
Trustees are asked to:
If you would be interested in becoming a Trustee of BAPP and regularly attending and contributing to Governance meetings, please ring the Director in the BAPP office for further information and an informal chat. Tel: 01225 832 479.
Chair: Tania Swift
Vice Chair: Vicky Heslop
Treasurer: Tracy Hill
Secretary: Ben Price
Trustees: Emma Hendy, Joan Cooper, Michael Bogg, Carly McKeever, Baz Harding-Clark, Maria Ming.
Want to get involved?
If you would be interested in becoming a Trustee of BAPP and regularly attending Governance meetings, please ring the BAPP office on 01225 832479 for further information.