Mobile Crèches

We provide a service for groups and organisations requiring childcare support to enable people to attend training, meetings and conferences.

Qualified and experienced staff can bring resources and equipment to your venue and provide play opportunities for children from birth to 16 years of age for the duration of your event. These can be one-off meetings, regular weekly bookings for the duration of a course or annual conferences.

Staff will need to inspect the venue prior to bookings being confirmed to ensure they comply with the requirements of the law.

For initial enquiries, to check availability and suitability of proposed venue, please telephone the BAPP office.

If you have an enquiry for any event you are planning to hold which requires either Crèche support or Play provided, please contact us as early as possible to discuss your requirements. We can then put together a proposed programme together with costings.

Information about Crèche Provision


Bath Area Play Project has developed a responsive and high quality crèche service for a range of situations.

We are requested to provide staff and equipment for a variety of purposes including training courses, parenting classes, conferences and meetings.


Qualified and vetted staff travel to the venue, set up the room designated for the crèche and then care for the children whilst their parents attend the meeting or training course.


We can provide all toys and equipment for the crèche and staff will check the suitability of the allocated space. Please bear in mind that the room should comply with current legislation including:

  • Well ventilated with natural light
  • Heated with control of heat output and guards where appropriate
  • Access to toilet or changing facilities
  • Access to kitchen for drink making
  • Sufficient space to allow for children to play
  • Where young children who are not walking are expected, that there is a carpeted area within the room or mats available
  • That equipment or furniture does not cause too high a risk as suitable for children to play

Please discuss any of the above if you are unsure whether your proposed venue meets the above requirements.


Our staff


Crèche staff are all experienced at working with a wide age range of children and have done relevant training e.g. first aid and child protection and all have Enhanced CRB disclosures.


Staff all wear red sweatshirts or t-shirts and also carry ID cards with their photograph on.


Toys and play equipment can be arranged if you request and all toys are checked as suitable for the age range of children using the crèche. Staff also undertake risk assessments of the venue and request that parents when leaving their children, give basic information about their child such as any favourite games or toys, special words or things they do not like e.g. loud noises.


There are charges for the Crèche service, which cover staff wages, travel (if out of Bath), toy charges plus an administrative charge.


We welcome feedback about crèches we provide, whether positive or needs improving. Please ensure you talk to one of the staff in the first instance or telephone the office if you are unhappy about any aspect of the crèche and would like to discuss the issues further.

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All BAPP services contribute to the B&NES Children & Young people's Plan ©Bath Area Play Project 2014. Registered charity number 1013897